Most Covetted: Interview with Theo Fennell

Most Covetted: Interview with Theo Fennell

Covett interviews our new brand partner, Theo Fennell. Here’s what he has to say about his brand, his jewellery and joining the Covett Vault.

  1. What made you want to launch your own brand and business?

"There was no such thing as a brand when I started, and I have deep misgivings about the word and the phenomenon also. Beautiful things made beautifully don’t need a name plastered all over them to be appreciated, the design and craftsmanship should speak for themselves. I just wanted to make beautiful things that gave people pleasure and lasted for generations. I fell into designing jewellery from art school by pure happenstance and then fell in love with the whole world of it."

  1. What do you love most about creating jewellery?

"The breadth of design, sentiment and meaning you can get into such a small area and the many and different skills involved in making it. Some of our pieces require a dozen different craftspeople, all at the top of their game. It is like building a tiny cathedral."


  1. What is your brand ethos? What makes TF jewellery special?

"We absolutely believe that jewellery should be unique and original and that it should be really well made. It should fit beautifully and make its wearer feel better, more confident, and really happy. We want people to recognise that each of our pieces is sensational and embellishes the wearer and isn’t just a branded piece you see everywhere."


  1. Can you tell us about the craftmanship of your pieces? What factors are most important to you?

"Craftsmanship is not just having and learning the skills to make beautiful things but also having the sensitivity to know how to employ those skills. Many can play the piano, but few are maestros, and we like to have the maestros around us in every field so we can make anything we design as well as it can be."


  1. Can you tell us what made you decide to place your pieces in the Covett Vault.

"We love the idea of more people being able to wear and enjoy our jewellery and hope it will show them the wonderful feeling of wearing something original that gets noticed and commented on."


  1. What do you hope this collaboration will bring to TF?

"More people having the joy and surge of feel-good that wearing great jewels gives you."

See all of Theo Fennell's Jewellery available for Co - ownership at Covett.